Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Miniature Steam Engine

My Miniature Maritzburg "Steam" Engine - Model 'A' kit.
(Kits are available from the "Pietermaritzburg Model Engineering Society" - search them on Facebook)


Controlling the speed of my finished Maritzburg Engine Model A kit - February 23, 2017 

Test fitting of custom made
brass parts.

Test fitting of custom made
brass parts.

Test fitting of custom made
brass parts.

A custom built cylinder -
mild steel and brass stock.

Polished the brass cylinder 
outer ring.

Shaped and polished the 
brass cylinder end-cap.

A Customized Cylinder with a
Brass Sleeve, Mild Steel Piston
and Adjustable Brass Connecting
Rod Assembly.

Holes were precision drilled 
and tapped.
Test fitting the various parts.

A great product for gluing
metals - be careful though
and plan well in advance.

Wynn’s Nut Lock & Stud Lock are solvent free products that cure in the absence of air and in the presence of metal ions. Applications include studs, nuts, screws and any threaded fasteners. The adhesive prevents loosening caused by vibration, mechanical and thermal shock. Resistant to petrol, diesel, transmission fluid, anti freeze, and other chemicals. Wynn’s Nut Lock and Stud Lock also inhibit fretting corrosion and prevent seizure and galling. Nut Lock is a medium strength bond which requires 20Nm torque to loosen. Stud Lock has high bond strength for more permanent locking and requires 36Nm torque to loosen.

The finished model - I love the look 
of bare metal - Spray painted all 
the parts separately with Tamiya 
Clear Flat varnish.

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